Women and HEMA? What’s the problem?
Original article: 15 September 2014 Esfinges spotted the original in the AMHE bulletin. http://www.ffamhe.fr/archivesNL/Bulletin_des_AMHE_08_2014.html So here is a translation for those not quite fluent enough in French. It relates to an exciting survey that the French HEMA association has conducted among its female members. We are very much hoping to find out the results in due course. Thanks to Jeanne…
Read more.Falling in love with HEMA: A beginner’s view
Original article: 4 September 2014 The views contained in this article belong to the author. By Rebecca Glass Rebecca is conducting a survey on HEMA practitioners, please follow this link participate. Just because a training sword isn’t steel does not mean it doesn’t hurt. I learn this the hard way; I come in too close during…
Read more.HEMA Girl Problems
Original article 22 August Inspired by BJJ Girl Problems we made our own list of HEMA women’s problems. Then we enlisted the help of some of the most talented Esfinges artists to help and illustrate. Read and see if you can sympathise! 1. People saying “Oh, now I’m scared!” when they hear what you do….
Read more.Historical European Martial Arts in the Far East
Original article 19 August 2014 By Huang Chun-Yi, Taiwan. The views in this article belong to the author. As a child I liked to watch the knights in cartoon series. I wanted to be a knight, not a princess who always waits for others’ help. I always felt that I’m a knight at heart. I…
Read more.Inspirational Fighter: Jessica Finley
Original post: 25 July 2014 Jessica Finley has been involved in swordfighting for seventeen years and has been practicing German medieval martial arts for twelve years now. Her favorite weapon is “probably” the longsword, but she has come to adore armoured fighting. She finds that weight and reach deficits are much less important in armour….
Read more.The Novice – A venture into historical European martial arts.
Original article: 18 Jul 2014 Can you remember your initial sword class? What’s it like? Kerryn Olsen of Auckland, New Zealand tries HEMA for the very first time. The views contained in this article belong to the author. The Novice – Before. What has led me here? Why am I standing in the driveway of…
Original Post: 5 Jul 2014 The views in this article are those of the author. Perth, Western Australia, the second most isolated city on the planet. Here you can find the paradigm-busting black swans, and historical European martial arts. T-J Richardson tells her tale. I first got into HEMA around four years ago. A friend and I had always…
Original Post: 29 Jun 2014 By Sonja Heer, Kassel, Germany I have always been interested in martial arts, but my parents wanted me to dance classical ballet instead, because “that is more for girls” and they feared that someone could hurt me. After school I could no longer go to the lessons because of the working…
Original Post: 16 Jun 2014 Sue and Jenny are well-respected figures in the UK HEMA community, both having a wide sphere of interests within and without the art that come together to produce two formidable and highly knowledgeable fighters. On the isle of Man Original photo by: Jackie Phillips Jennifer Garside: I started Historical…
Original Post: 10 Jun 2014 Original article in German by Susine Pomeranz, translation by Claudia Krause. Photos: Eva B. An account of awesome things… Last January we had our first Women’s Weekend for club members. In the first weekend in June we invited women fencers from all over Austria and also Germany. This time we had…
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