Original post: 31 Aug 2012
By Kirsten Elferink
Ever since I was a little girl, I have lived with fear. When I was young, people simply thought I was shy. As I got older, the problem grew with me. Finally at the age of 19 I decided it was time to deal with it.
I went to my doctor who sent me on to a therapist. Ten therapists and nine years later (including 6 years of taking anti depressants that at one point landed me a trip to the emergency room), I could tell you exactly what my problem was in theory but in every day life nothing had changed. I did finally have a diagnosis that fit: I had high functioning autism. It all fit, but my life was very shut off from the rest of the world and every day was a fight to just keep going.
Till one day a friend of mine asked me to come to a HEMA class she wanted to try.
That day has become the best decision of my life. Yes every class I attend still makes me nervous and tests my limits. But I have gone further across my limits then I had ever thought possible. Things like taking a hit and being thrown in a match are still very scary but every time I do it is another victory.
Besides being fun, it has brought me new friends and I’m beginning to have some confidence in myself. Something no therapist or drug has ever brought me. The exercise alone makes sure that I get up happy in the morning. Am I healed? No, autism is not something that will ever go away. But I’m dealing with everything a lot better. HEMA has made a giant impact on my life. I’ve gone from the lowest of the low, including seriously considering ending my life, to being on my way to become a happier and healthier me.
(View Original at: http://esfinges1.wix.com/e/apps/blog/how-hema-has-improved-my-life)