Esfinges Twitter Talks
Original post: 31 Jan 2014 Esfinges would like to foster the same camaraderie and community for International HEMAistes on Twitter that it has successfully brought to Facebook. To this end, we will be starting a series of Twitter Talks starting in February. Twitter Talks are an hour of tweeted discussion using tags so that a…
Originally posted: 19 Jan 2014 The information and views set out in this post are those of the author and do not reflect any official opinion of Esfinges. Additional note due to several comments: Esfinges is an Open forum and our ideal is that people get the space to give uncensored free opinions, once again…
Originally posted 3 Jan. 2014 By Mriana “Perica” López R. The information and views set out in this post are those of the author and do not reflect any official opinion of Esfinges. When it comes to talk about weaknesses, problems and issues it’s always a danger to whoever tries to do it. If the…
Originally posted: 3 Jan 2014 By Claudia Krause Inspired by this article in HEMANews, we have brought together some words of wisdom from five female fighters in HEMA. 2014 is looking to be a great year for our art, we all need motivation to keep our resolve to become better fencers and martial artists. So here…
Read more.A Tickle but not a Torrent: Tears and the Female Fighter
Original: 23 Sep 2013 By Courtney Rice and Randy Packer (Valkyrie Western Martial Arts Assembly) Vera’d had a great day at work. Her boss had called her into his office late in the day. She went with the usual stab of fear – what mistake had she made to warrant a private meeting? It turned…
Read more.Periods and Training
Original: 2 Aug 2013 The information and views set out in this post are those of the author and do not reflect any official opinion of Esfinges. By Kimberley Smithbower-Roseblade PERIODS! There. I said it and got it out in the open right away. Our periods. We have been made to view them as a…
Read more.A Girl from Middle Earth
Original: 11 Apr 2013 By: Samantha The views of the author do not reflect the views of Esfinges. Samantha Catto-Mott, one of our newest members, hails from down under, where she has an accomplished CV both in martial arts and creative arts. She has kindly taken the trouble to write her blog post in both English…
Read more.The Gladiatrix
Original post: 7 Mar 2013 By Svenja Grosser (also known as Medusa Gladiatrix from Ludus Nemesis) The views of the author do not reflect the views of Esfinges I have practiced gladiatorial combat reenactment for nearly eight years. My comrades (at the moment three men and one other woman) and I present the fights with…
Read more.We are Warriors
18 Jan 2013 Larissa Seybert Shields break and weapons rust, but stories remain. Stories are not only the records of the past and of that which never was, but the voice of a place or time we cannot reach. None of us can turn back the centuries and study beneath the masters of old; even…
Read more.Farewell Rory Van Noort
Original Post: 21 Dec 2012 By Karin Verelst A few days ago all of the HEMA community stopped for a second. Sad news passed among us, and we continue to act as a family thinking of the loss and the people close to a great man. Esfinges, a small HEMA community of 248 girls unites at…
Read more.